Stephen Benwell: _islands of desire_ at Kustforum Solothurn
Stephen Benwell‘s work appears in the current exhibition _islands of desire_ at Kustforum Solothurn, Switzerland. Curated by Hanspeter Dahler, the exhibition features artists from across the globe including Christyl Boger (usa), Kirsten Brünjes (d), Adam Chau (usa), Gundi Dietz (a), Marja Hooft, (nl), Audrius Janušonis (lt), Kathy King (usa), Esther Shimazu (usa), Caro Suerkemper (d), Akio Takamori (usa) and Lena Takamori (uk). _islands of desire_Kunstforum Solothurn, Solothurn, Switzerlanduntil Saturday, 23 September 2023