Know My Name: Australian Women Artists, installation view, featuring Jean Bellette, Janet Cumbrae Stewart, Hermia Boyd, Dorrit Black, Rosemary Dobson and Helen Maudsley photograph by Mark Ashkanasy, courtesy of Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery

The National Gallery of Australia’s touring exhibition Know My Name: Australian Women Artists begins its two-year tour of regional Australia at Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery. The exhibition features works from the National Gallery’s two-part exhibition held between 2020 and 2022, including Helen Maudsley and Brenda L. Croft.

Our Place: 20 Years of Town Hall Gallery at Town Hall Gallery features significant works from the Town Hall Gallery Collection, including The wonderful diversion by Helen Maudsley. The exhibition has been grouped into themes: People, Places and Perspectives; showcasing the vital role of the gallery in reflecting a sense of community and shared history in Boroondara.

In addition, Maudsley’s work is showing in Expressive potential: studies in abstraction, which features abstract art spanning from the 1930s to the present day.

Expressive potential: studies in abstraction
Bendigo Art Gallery, Bendigo, VIC
until 1 December 2024

Our Place: 20 Years of Town Hall Gallery
Town Hall Gallery, Hawthorn, Melbourne
until 20 January 2024

Know My Name: Australian Women Artists
Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, Mornington, VIC
until 18 February 2024

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