Martin Parr, Sorrento, Italy, 2014, installation view, Communion, Bold Tendencies. Photography by Damian Griffiths Studio

Martin Parr has been given the Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo’s Life Time Achievement Award. An open air retrospective of 45 Parr images are currently being displayed at the Kaiserhaus-Garten in honour of this award. A number of solo exhibitions of Parr’s work are being held currently including Tynwald Week – Photos by Martin Parr and his work is showing in Communion, London’s Bold Tendencies’ 2024 program.

Bold Tendencies, London, UK
until 14 Sep 24

Tynwald Week – Photos by Martin Parr
Manx Museum, Douglas, Isle of Man
until 6 Oct 24

Life Time Achievement Award, Festival La Gacilly-Baden
Kaiserhaus-Garten, Baden, Austria
until 13 Oct 24

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