Niagara Galleries: open by appointment only
Art does matter…especially when the world can feel troubling and confusing.
However, in the best interest of the community, Niagara Galleries will open by appointment only from Thursday, 19 March, following recommendations by the Australian government and the World Health Organisation.
The exhibition program will continue as scheduled and will be available online, or to view by appointment. Please call (03) 9429 3666 or email to arrange an appointment.
Transport and delivery of purchased works will continue to be arranged during this time, please contact registrar@niagaragalleries. For any other queries contact
The Niagara team are dedicated to staying connected, continuing to support our artists, friends and the wider community. We look forward to keeping you up to date online, via our website, and social media channels, and by phone, until we are able to open the gallery doors again.
Stay connected and stay well.